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Rose Gold Natural Pink Sapphire .035cts Natural Diamond .01cts Claddagh Celtic Knot Ring - October Birthstone

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Made in IRELAND! PREMIUM QUALITY Get it by Tuesday, Mar. 18 - Free Shipping - 60 Day Returns - Free Resizing - Lowest Price & Satisfaction Guaranteed

This Claddagh ring is solid Rose Gold and is hallmarked. Set with two natural Pink Sapphires and a bright natural diamond. It was individually handcrafted by a Goldsmith in Ireland.

This Claddagh ring is solid Rose Gold and is hallmarked. Set with two natural Pink Sapphires and a bright natural diamond. It was individually handcrafted by a Goldsmith in Ireland.

Diamond Specifications:
Round Brilliant Cut, SI clarity, H Color, .01cts (1 diamond). (High quality natural diamond)

Pink Sapphire Specifications:
Round Brilliant Cut, .035cts.

Dimensions: 9 mm in height from top of crown to base of heart. 3 mm band width.

Retail Value: $664.99

Meaning of Design

The Claddagh: the crown represents loyalty, the heart represents love, and the hands represent friendship. It is widely known as a symbol for great friendship. This ancient Gaelic design is also used in engagement rings and in traditional wedding rings for the irish. If worn on the right hand with the heart facing out it means you are single, facing in means you are dating someone. If worn on the left hand with the heart facing out it means you are engaged and facing in you are married.

An original symbol of the "Fisher Kings" of the Galway town of Claddagh, Ireland, (pronounced clada) the design was first fashioned into the traditional ring back in the 17th Century during the reign of Mary II. Legend has it that an Irish young man, Richard Joyce, bound for the West Indian slave plantations - no doubt the Irish Carribean island of Montserrat - was kidnapped himself in rough seas by a band of Mediterranean pirates and sold to a Moorish goldsmith who over the many long years of his exile helped him perfect the skills of a master craftsman. When in 1689 King William III negotiated the return of the slaves, Joyce returned to Galway - despite, it said, the Moor's offer of the daughter's hand in marriage and a princely dowry of half of all his wealth. Back in Ireland a young women had never stopped faithfully waiting for her true love to return. Upon which time when he presented her with the now famous Royal Claddagh gold ring - a symbol of their enduring love. Two hands to represent their friendship, the crown to signify their loyalty and lasting fidelity, and the sign of the heart to symbolise their eternal love for each other.

Celtic Knot: The Celtic Knot is the most well known Celtic design, It represents eternity and continuity. In Christianity it is used to represent the Holy Trinity: Father , Son and Holy Spirit. It is thought to show the continuous energy flow from life and death. The never ending knot work can symbolize the love and never ending commitment given in the sacred blessings of the marriage vows. The three knots can represent the past, present and future of the relationship

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Sunday, March 9, 2025 by J.Stone(, United States)
“Allow a little more flex in engraving.”
Sunday, March 9, 2025 by Mitchman(Merseyside, United Kingdom)
“Great company, I was kept informed if every stage of production and delivery I also had contacted them by email and had prompt replies Awesome”
Saturday, March 8, 2025 by Kathleen(NY, United States)
“Shipped quickly ”
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 by Emma(NSW, Australia)
“Great customer service, received it in perfect time. Love Glencara”

Mo Anam Cara: Means ‘My soul mate‘ (pronounced 'muh anem Ka-rah') copy

Mo shíorghrá: Means ‘My eternal love‘ sometimes used as a term for ‘soulmates’. (pronounced 'muh HEER-ggrawh') copy

Ghrá Dilseacht Cairdeas: Means ‘Love, Loyalty & Friendship‘ (pronounced ‘Graw Deal-shockt Char-dis’) copy

Ghrá go deo: Means ‘Love Forever‘ (pronounced ‘graw gu djo’) copy

Mo fhíorghra: Means ‘my true love’, one of the most romantic phrases around. (pronounced ‘ muh heer-graw’) copy

A Stór: Means ‘my treasure’, usually used to express affectionate friendship, especially for parent and children relationships. (pronounced ‘store’) copy

Le grá go deo: Means 'with love forever' (pronounced ‘leh graw gu djo’) copy

A Pheata: Means ‘a mother’s darling’, for a mother to express endearment for her children. (pronounced ‘fat-a’) copy

Mo Ghrá: Means ‘my love’, for relationships that are that little bit more serious! (pronounced ‘muh graw’) copy

Mo Chuisle: Literally means ‘my pulse’, for the person who makes your heart beat. Also can mean 'My Darling' (pronounced ‘muh Kooish-la') copy

A Ghrá mo Chroí: Means ‘my heart’s beloved’ or ‘the love of my heart’. (pronounced 'graw mu kree') copy

A Thaisce: Means ‘my treasure’, another version of ‘a stór’. (pronounced ‘hash-ka’) copy

Mo Mhuirnin: Means ‘my little darling’ or ‘my dear’, a more formal phrase (pronounced ‘muh mur-neen’) copy

A chéadsearc: Means ‘my first love’, or ‘my one and only’. (pronounced ’Khayd-shark') copy

A Chara: Means ‘friend’ (pronounced 'Kaw-rah') copy

A Chroí: Means ‘my heart’, a stronger version of the above, meant more for lovers to use. (pronounced 'kree') copy

Is tú mo ghrá: Means 'You are my love'. (pronounced 'Iss too mu graw' )copy

Mo Shearc: Means ‘my love’ Another simple version of ‘mo ghrá’. (pronounced ‘ muh hark’) copy

Is tú mo rogha: Means 'You are my chosen one' (pronounced 'iss too mu row-ah') copy

A chuisle mo chroí: Means 'My heart’s beloved' (pronounced 'Kooish-la mu kree') copy

Ádhraím thú: Means'I adore you' (pronounced 'aw-reem hoo') copy

Mo Rúnsearc Literally means ‘my secret love’, there is no direct equivalent in English. (pronounced ‘ muh roon-hark’) copy

A stór mo chroí: Means 'Love of my heart' (prounouned 'ah sthohr muh kree') copy

Is tú grá geal mo chroí: Means 'You are the bright love of my heart' (pronounced 'Iss too graw gee-yal mu kree') copy

Mo ghrá thú: Means ‘you are my love’ (pronounced 'Muh ghraw hoo') copy

Táim i ngrá leat: Means 'I’m in love with you' (pronounced 'Tawm i graw lat') copy

Mo Leannán: Means 'My lover' (pronounced 'Muh lah-nawn') copy

Tá tú mo chéadsearc: Means 'You are my true love' (pronounced 'thaw too muh Khayd-shark') copy

Is tusa mo ghrá: Literally Means 'You are my love' (pronounced' Iss tus-ah mow-ghraw') copy

A Ghrá Geal: Means ‘my bright love’ (pronounced ‘graw gee-yal’) copy

A Chumann: Means ‘my sweetheart’ (pronounced ‘come-an’) copy

Seanleannán: Literally means ‘old love’, or ‘old flame’. (pronounced ‘shan-lan-awn’) copy

Meala: Means ‘Honey‘ (Prounounced 'M-alla') copy

Clann: Means ‘Children‘ (Prounounced 'Klan') copy

Iníon: Means ‘Daughter‘ (Prounounced 'in-yeen') copy

Mac: Means ‘Son‘ (Prounounced 'Mack') copy

Agra: Means ‘Love, Beloved or Sweetheart‘ (Prounounced 'Ag-rah') copy

Cairde: Means ‘Friends‘ (prounounced 'card ja') copy

Síor: Means ‘Always‘ (Prounounce 'Sheer') copy